Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Buh bye gardening

October was a notable month for the hundreds of lady bugs we watched soak up the sunshine on the southern side of our house the last week of October.

Their antics delighted us on a mild, sunny day.

We picnicked outside under an umbrella to keep them off our lunch.

Much to the delight of P&B, while we admired them, we were also literally tickled by them as they landed on us, our faces, hair, necks, etc.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

just stumbled upon a fun November activity:

Seal Watch Tours

Family Fun on the Bay

Join Save The Bay and Rose Island Lighthouse Foundation for seal watching tours aboard M/V Alletta Morris. We provide expert guides and binoculars for an educational view of these seasonal marine visitors. Don't forget -- we also offer group tours and gift certificates!

View the 2009-2010 Seal Cruise Schedule.

When: Weekends and school vacations, November - April.
Where: Boat departs Bowen's Ferry Landing, Newport (Directions) While in Newport, visit our Exploration Center, open Saturdays through April.

  • ONE-HOUR Cruises: $20 per person ($15 for members of STB or RILF, seniors and children ages 5-12)*
  • TWO-HOUR Cruises with Lighthouse Tour:
    $30 per person ($25 for members of STB or RILF, seniors and children ages 5-12)*

    *Children under 5 are free with paying adult

Reserve your spot now by calling 401-324-6020. Want the reduced rate? Become a Save The Bay member.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

So much going on these days...

Food Closet Update:
~ The families our Food Closet serves are in need of lunch box items, small packages of fruit, tuna, energy or snack bars, etc. for school.
~ A reminder to children attending Sunday School: your class receives a sticker on the board for each food item you bring to your Sunday School room for the Food Closet.
~ Gardeners... Please drop off any fruit or vegetables in the refrigerator in the Undercroft for the Food Closet (near our Library/Meeting room). "The refrigerator is open and people can bring stuff in any time. Thanks." Jane Dempsey

Sunday School Officially begins this Sunday!
Our Christian Formation (aka Sunday School) Leadership Team really needs teachers, teacher assistants and substitute teachers. Please prayerfully consider your ability to help them. Read page 9 of the Sept. Trinity Tidings for details.
~ Also needed: Someone to lead a Junior Choir and someone to Direct/Organize our Christmas Pageant on Jan. 3rd.
~ Parents of children attending Sunday School: please take a moment to check with your child's teacher regarding snacks and juice. Thank you.

WORSHIP with US this Saturday night at our meditative, candle-lit PM Tai service; or join us this Sunday morning at our 8 am service or our music-filled 9:30 service .

TRAINING This Saturday, Sept. other :
+ at 9 am -- Learn how to serve as a Chalice Bearer at the Eucharist, AND/OR as Lay Eucharistic Visitors - taking Communion to those who are homebound, in the hospital, in nursing homes...
+ at 10 am - Acolyte training (it's also a refresher for those who are already trained) ; Crucifer (Carrying the Cross into & out of services) ; Torch Bearers (Carrying the torches in & out of services - we always need 2 at a time.); and Servers (Help Rev. Pam at the altar).

The WINGS Bake Sale is Sunday and Everyone in the Parish is invited to bake bring your best baked goods to the Undercroft this Saturday (9/19). A group of us will be pricing them at 6 pm...so if you want to stay and help, you would be most welcome! Baked goods can also be dropped off before the 8:30 service Sunday morning! The money will 1) help pay for advertising for Trinity Episcopal Church and 2) provide grant assistance for WINGS retreats. Email Cassi at cassabeth@cox.net or call her at 300-7103 if you have questions.

This Saturday is The ECC Annual Cookout - Celebrating 60 years of
The Episcopal Conference Center!!
Yes, THIS Saturday, September 19, 2009. 1pm Open house. 6pm Dinner. 7:30 Compline. Cost: Adults $15, Kids under 12 are $7, Kids under 5 are FREE!!
The waterfront will be open, there will be games, BBQ followed by Compline. They'd like a headcount for food, so please e-mail them ASAP: director@eccri.org.

THIS Sunday, September 20th, is a Special Parish Meeting immediately following the 9:30 am service. We hope that everyone will do their best to attend.
Parents should escort their children to Sunday School in Graham Hall (the building directly across the driveway from the church, upstairs), sign them in, and then come downstairs to Aldrich Hall for the Finance Meeting. We will wrap up in time for you to return upstairs to sign your children out of Sunday School.

Nursery Care this week provided at 9:30 AM by Kim Z. and Cynthia C. ..and their little helpers. (We'd love to add YOU to our list of volunteers. Contact Jen B. for more info.)

WINGS (Women in Need of Growing Spiritually - which is all of us ) will be selling delicious baked goods in the Undercroft between the services on September 20th AND after the 9:30 service.

~ Due to popular demand, The Children's Clothing Swap in the undercroft will be extended until 9/27. Each week new bags of clothing are unpacked and sorted, and many items find news homes the same day! Please take some clothes for your children. You have just two weeks to clean out your closets of gently used clothing that you no longer need (especially cold weather clothes), just drop it off and we'll sort it. Another swap is planned for the spring. Extra clothing will either be offered to the Thrift Shop or our food closet clients.
~ If you happen to also tidy up your bookshelves and find some gently read children's books to pass along, there's room on the table for gently used books as well.

Safe Church Training
A reminder to sign up for the Safe Church training on Sat. Sept 26 from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. If you're planning to go, please email nstrinity@aol.com. Nancy can call and register everyone with the diocese. The class fills FAST so register now. Many thanks to all who responded already --- you're on the registration list.

Weekly iGive.com Update
As of this morning, the 8 parishioners registered with iGive.com who have chosen Trinity Church as their cause have raised almost $29.65! While the numbers may seem small at first, we all search the web hundreds of times every month, and our combined efforts can truly add up. iGive.com has been helping causes raise money online since for almost 10 years.
--- Halloween is not far away: Shop at Costume SuperCenter where 4% of your purchase benefits Trinity.
--- Order business cards or checks for your checking account from 4checks and Trinity receives 10% of your order.
Please try it today - it's free! Just click here to Register, then click here to ADD the toolbar to earn a penny for each search powered by Yahoo!...it is small but adds up. You can c heck our status on Facebook. If you have any troubles or questions, please contact me. Thank you.
With High Hopes of Responding to Trinity's Financial Needs,
Renee Brannigan, 647-5106, rbrannig@hotmail.com

Mark your Calendars :
~ Sunday, Sept. 27th Enter the Welcoming Committee's Bread Baking Contest. See the Sept. newsletter for details.
~ Monday, Sept. 28 from 6:30 to 8:30 WINGS: Checking in, Prayer Circle, Dessert and Games. Sign up in the Narthex. Bring your 2010 calendar.
~ Adult Bible Study on Sunday mornings will resume in October.
~ First Sunday of October (every other month) help a small crew of Trinity parishioners to serve at St. George's Kitchen in Central Falls. Contact Phyllis Schumacher for info 647-3905.
~ Trinity's 30th Annual Turkey Supper: Sunday, October 11th. See page 11 of Sept. Trinity Tidings for info.
~ Volunteers are needed for Saturday, Oct. 10th and Monday, October 12th to park cars in our lots during the Scituate Art Festival.
~ November 13-15 WINGS Fall Retreat at ECC (Episcopal Conference Center) $150/person. Grant assistance available through Rev. Pam. Sign up in the Narthex. Give your $50 deposit to Rev. Pam by Nov. 1st to secure one of the 30 spots for you.

Did you miss something?
Visit our website for a link to our current newsletter and events.

To receive the October Trinity Tidings Newsletter via Email fill in a slip in the Narthex or email: trinityscituateri@cox.net. Take a moment now to join the growing number of parishioners who are reducing Trinity's copying and postage expenses. Thank you!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

May the wings of the butterfly kiss the sun

And find your shoulder to light on,

To bring you luck, happiness and riches

Today, tomorrow and beyond.

~Irish Blessing

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Engaging Learners through Artmaking

Yesterday was like Christmas...receiving an autographed copy of

Kathy and Diane's book "Engaging Learners through Artmaking".

I am so proud of them and amazed by all the hard work it took to finally get THE BOOK published!! Congratulations! Kathy and Diane: You are amazing, inspiring women!!

This morning I had a chance to start reading the book. Great forward by George Szekely. Wonderful Preface by John V. Crowe (one of my amazing college prof.). Then I started reading the text. So wonderful to reconnect with parts of my brain that were lurking under topics like "potty training" and shopping lists.

Then, what a nice surprise to read a quote from our research for the Brown University Knowledge Loom with Kathy, Diane and John in the summer of 2002. And look...my name as a source for the quote!! Okay, so it's just "Brannigan", but how cool is that. I got more excited showing the kids, so we took a picture of them holding the book that Mommy was so excited about:Here is a picture from the Reference page at the back of the book:

And the quote that caught my attention:

My ego is on cloud 9...okay, it was...before Bridget knocked over Patrick's building, then a dirty diaper and now off to unload the dishwasher...back to reality, but what a nice diversion! Thanks, Kathy for sending me my very own copy of the book!

I am so proud of my mentors and friends! You rock!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Bridget's First Haircut - Memories of My Memere

Back in June

Mom went upstairs.

Children were crafting

with safe scissors.

Laundry lured me.

It deterred me.

When I made it back

down the stairs,

I found a house

sprinkled throughout

with tiny bits of yarn.

As I began to scold,

Patrick looked up.

This is what I saw:

He was proud and smiling.

I knew this day would come.

They all do.

I wasn't prepared.

"You cut your hair?!"

"No, Bridget did. Doesn't it look great?"
Yes, Bridget takes after my Memere...

The hair dresser.

The hair dresser who always wanted curly hair.

So much that she'd get in trouble at school

in rural Canada, for going to bed

with curlers in her hair.

She didn't care.

After lights out

She kept curling.

She curled her hair and her clients

for many years.

She would just love Bridget's curls.

I scolded .

This is nothing to smile about.

I didn't realize it right away,

but Bridget cut her hair, too.

I can smile now.

Hair grows back.

Scissors are hidden.

Only with constant adult eyes.

and stern warnings.

Paper only.
Yarn only.
No hair.
No clothes.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mothers Day Tea at Scituate Early Learning Center preschool

I wish I could have captured the volume and controlled chaos of this heartwarming celebration!
The monkey bread Patrick's class made...hey, that's Memere sitting there...and I barely see the top of Bridget's head...LOL!
Patrick and Miss Naomi

Bridget and Miss Jackie

Wish I had gotten pics with ALL their teachers...my bad...too much going on.
Thanks to them all for this super special morning!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The quickest way for a parent to get a child's attention is to sit down and look comfortable. - Lane Olinghouse

Sunshiney Day!

Sunny smiles!

Sunshiney Day

Too cute!

So handsome!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

A sleepy time at Memere's house

Who will sleep first?

Bridget or Memere?


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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day

as Patrick said yesterday
with LOTS of enthusiasm:

"Happy St. MY Day!!"

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Aunty Elaine ROCKS!!

One day back in January, when Mom was napping cuz she had a bug, Aunty Elaine took B & P down to the corner candy store. It's March and the kids still enjoy the huge lolipops when visiting Memere.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Mom...according to Patrick (4 years old)

1.What is something mom always says to you? "Clean up"

2. What makes mom happy? "cooperating"

3. What makes mom sad? "not cooperating"

4. How does your mom make you laugh? "by being funny"

5. What was your mom like as a child? "a baby"

6. How old is your mom? "a lot more older than me, I guess"

7. How tall is your mom? "really really tall" (5'8")

8. What is her favorite thing to do? "tickle us"

9. What does your mom do when your not around? "do what you (she) wants to do"

10. If your mom becomes famous,what will it be for? "us"

11. What is your mom really good at? "really good at hugging us and tickling us, and lots and lots of things"

12. What is your mom not very good at? "nothing that I do"

13. What does your mom do for her job? "cleaning up the house"

14. What is your mom's favorite food? "cereal"

15. What makes you proud of your mom? "kissing and hugging"

16. If your mom were a cartoon character,who would she be? "a snake charmer" I had to LOL!

17. What do you and your mom do together? "play"

18. How are you and your mom the same? "we both have hair, eyes, noses, faces, we have bodies"

19. How are you and your mom different? "you're a girl and I'm a boy"

20. How do you know your mom loves you? "because I love you! right?"

21.What does your Mom like about your Daddy? "hugging him and kissing him"

22. Where is your mom's favorite place to go? "home. Can I go play now?"

"The sun is brilliant in the sky but its warmth does not reach my face.
The breeze stirs the trees but leaves my hair unmoved.
The cooling rain will feed the grass but will not slake my thirst.
It is all inches away but further from me than my dreams."
- M. Romeo LaFlamme, The First of March

Monday, January 19, 2009

A few snows ago...

Pictures from...I think...maybe...three snows ago.

It seems like such a long time past.

But really, it was only just last week.
Before fevers, vomitting, chills, acheyness, and all over ickiness.
Luckily, we'll be better very soon.

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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Mom's Grandcrew

Everyone was soooo good, except P and B. Bridget wouldn't take her hand out of her mouth.
Don't you love the little picture on the right...Patrick was NOT happy to have his picture taken.
Well, Mom loves it anyway!!