Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Saturday night after a wonderful, musical, relaxing, candle-lit Taize service

Family game night at our Church

We each made our own pizzas

Played games while they baked

Had lots of fun sharing and learning games

Making new friends and visiting with others

It was great fun for all.

Bridget loved Elizabeth's ducky game and playing the piano.

Patrick loved running around with his new friends and playing Wii bowling.

No, we're not buying a Wii.
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Monday, November 17, 2008

CCCold Rainy day

Bundled up
for pre-school



and mittens?

I bet they made you smile!!

RCB 11/18/08

While Bridget naps peacefully, inside.....

Bundled up warmly, Patrick is safe from the cold wind.

"I'm ready to rake a million leaves!"

Let's make the hugest pile of leaves EVER!!


Let's go!!

Run and jump (with help from Daddy)

Where did he go??

He's buried in the leaves!!

RCB 11/17/08