Saturday, November 15, 2008

Take a quiz and feed hungry people:

This is off my topic, but a worthy filler since I'm having camera issues. Click on the picture on the right, choose your subject, test your knowledge and feed someone.

FreeRice is partnered with the Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University. The Berkman Center is a network of faculty, students, fellows and members of an extended community who “envision a growing opportunity to use Internet technologies to improve the ways that we teach, learn, and make information accessible to citizens around the world.”

FreeRice is also partnered with the United Nations World Food Program (WFP). WFP distributes all of the rice that you donate to help fight hunger. As the world’s largest food aid agency, WFP works closely with many other organizations in over 75 countries. In addition to providing food, WFP helps hungry people to become self-reliant so that they escape hunger for good. Wherever possible, WFP buys food locally to support local farmers and the local community.


Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Two September Birthdays

A stubborn pinata

Good Friends

Good food


Two cakes

Two candles

Two celebrations

Wrapped up






11/12/08 RCB

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day 3: 11/11/08: From Headache to Pickles

My world is blurry
not friendly

Hush, shush
go out and play
It's hard to be nice
when I feel this way

Some tea
Lots of rest
A dose of medicine
and then
the best

it's all clearer
and better now

Life is back in focus
Their smiles and giggles

Cuddles and hugs
grins and tickles

Twenty little toes
Tempting as pickles

Renee C. Brannigan 11/11/08

Monday, November 10, 2008

An orange a day...

Sticky and sweet...

Fruit of the orchard
a treat to eat

Juicy vitamins
Pulp filled rounds

While Memere's washes dirty clothes
Naked skin abounds.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Welcome to Rubble Creek Blog and Blurb

My goal for this blog is to challenge myself to take/post a photo each day, and to write every day. I can't wait to get some feedback!

This anteater is at the Roger Williams Zoo in Providence. I enjoyed the way its shadow in the water echoed the markings on its neck. If you haven't seen this amazing creature, you're in for a nice treat.